INTRO : E|E|B|B ( 2 Times )
I hEave grown up I am a father now
EverBything has changed
but I aF#m still the same somehow
YouE know I’ve never been afraid of death
ButB now I wanna see
the thingF#s that haven’t happened yet
I sEtill love getting out
of my mind I should cut down
I sBtill know people
I don’t likeF# and I should cut them out
I fEeel embarrassed ‘bout
the things that I did in my youth
‘CozB now I have a child
I knowF# one day that she’ll go through it
FreigEht cargo, dot stops and aeroplanes
LateB night calls
signF#al is in and out again
FeeEling low on serotonin and better days
GoB go go, but every F#moment
you’re here with me
TimeE stops to stillB
When you areE in my arms it alwaG#mys will
And lifeE, life is chanBging F#tides
I lEost the confidence in who I was
TooB busy trying to chase
the highF# and get the numbers up
I hEave the same dream every night
A bBullet through my brain
the momF#ent that I close my eyes
I sEtill have to lean on a shoulder
when I’ve broken down
AndB I have people that
dependF# on me to sort them out
I sEometimes fantasise
I disappear without a trace
HaveB no regrets but wish
I didF# things in a different way
LowE fly zone, lawsuits and film stars
HeadBline wrote
prinF#cess and the face scar
BrokEen bones, break-ins and Babylon
GoG#m go go, but every F#moment
you’re here with me
TimeE stops to stillB
When you areE in my arms it alwaG#mys will
And lifeE, life is chanBging F#tides
TimeE stops to stillB
When youE are in my arms
it always wilG#ml F#
And lifeE, life is chanG#mging F#tides