HolEmy Father, weAm need to talkG
I hEmave a secret thatAm I can’Gt keep
I’m Emnot the boy that
YouAm thought you wantGed
PleasCe don’t get angry, haveD faith in me
* SayEm I shouldn’t be here
butD/F# I can’tG give up his touch
It is himC I love, it is himD
DonEm’t you try and tell me
thatD/F# God doesnG’t care for us
It is himC I love, it is himB I love
I wEmalk the streets of MisAmsissippiG
I hEmold my lover byAm the hGand
I fEmeel you staring whenAm he is withG me
HowC can I make you undDerstand?
( REPEAT * )
( 2 Times )
EmC|CBm ( 3 Times ) EmC|B
HolEmy Father, judAmge my Gsins
I’m Emnot afraid of whaBt they will bring
I’m Emnot the boy that
YouAm thought you wantGed C
I lDove him Em